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I'll share what I pick up on hardware. For now here is some helpful links:

  • SSD list: When picking an SSD, there is more to consider than just the size. Size does matter, of course, but you also need to ensure the interface will work with your motherboard, the form factor, and your read/write speeds. Specifications like the size and read/write speeds are especially important if you plan on using this PC for tasks like video editing.

  • PSU tier list: This list was created by expert PSU reviewers and it's safe to trust their judgement. Tier A is the best. In general, these are the guidelines that you'll want to follow for choosing the correct tier:

    • Budget Gaming PCs (Less than $750) - Use Tier C, B, or A
    • Mid Range Gaming PCs ($750-$1500) - Use Tier B or A
    • High End Gaming PCs ($1500+) - Use Tier A